By Anonymous - 29/06/2009 17:55 - Canada

Today, I put on my "fat jeans" because none of my other jeans fit. Neither do my fat jeans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 894
You deserved it 46 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kels_bets21 0

what do you usually wear then ? because you don't just gain enough weight to fit nothing overnight.

I gained 80 lbs over know what helped me lose the weight? Exercise and not being online whining about my weight and reading fml. Unless you have a thyroid problem, or another medical condition, ydi!


Doesn't every girl have a pair of "fat" jeans for when they are bloated and on their periods? :/

FMLpleez1234 0

Don't be so self-critical, it makes the problem worse. Take SMALL steps towards lifestyle changes e.g. choosing skim milk instead of 2%, or taking a walk once a day. Smaller changes are more effective than huge, sudden restrictions.

Cinnabar 0

If you're a girl, is it that time of the month? Sometimes my "fat" jeans feel tight then 'cause I'm so bloated. It's the worst. BTW my "fat" jeans are a size 5, and for all you know the OP's could be the same, so I don't get why everyone's in such a rush to call him/her fat.

MeganH0LLYW00D 0

I don't. I just wear sweats.

There's this thing, called exercise. It helps with losing weight.

steamship 0

I check this site most days. But it never fails to boggle my mind the extent of people's ignorance. Just because she gained weight, does not mean that she eats mcdonalds every day, or doesn't exercise, or is obese. I gained weight being a vegan, despite running often. You all shouldn't assume that one only gains weight eating fast food. Everyones bodies are different. People gain weight for different reasons. I wish people were less stupid.

And really you don't know the situation either so for you to call other people stupid actually makes you look stupid. You don't know the situation. She could be eating dunkin donuts and McDonald's, you don't know!!! So cut out acting so naive because usually when people are fat , it's bc they eat too much and eat poorly! Wake up!

FYL if don't do anything about it. Counting calories is boring, but it works.

I love how most of the people on here seem to assume the poster is majorly fat - sometimes people fluctuate in weight. To those who are being ridiculously cruel, I would be willing to stake a large amount of money on the fact that you are obese, and you need to stop taking your anger about your problems out on other people. You are fat, deal with it. To the poster - I'm sorry the pants don't fit, and I hope things get better!

However, the treadmill will DEFINITELY fit your fat ass.