By Anonymous - 29/06/2009 17:55 - Canada

Today, I put on my "fat jeans" because none of my other jeans fit. Neither do my fat jeans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 894
You deserved it 46 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kels_bets21 0

what do you usually wear then ? because you don't just gain enough weight to fit nothing overnight.

I gained 80 lbs over know what helped me lose the weight? Exercise and not being online whining about my weight and reading fml. Unless you have a thyroid problem, or another medical condition, ydi!


It's a sign. If you're not happy about it, buy more trousers or get thinner. Choose.

I had some jeans like that when I wanted to be more comfortable and now they kind of fit me tight too.....

Sweatpants, they solve everything (just don't wear them outside)

sugarbear0727 19

If your weight is something you're not happy with, change. Its not hard, in the year and a half that I've been out of school, I've gained 20 lbs. I weigh the most out of my family. I too am having trouble with my jeans and such, so I've started walking to work everyday. Its only 10 minutes, but it helps. I stopped drinking soda also, and for lent I am giving up all fast foods and candies. I've already seen a difference just from the walking. I'm not fat, or overweight, I've just always been small, so living on my own, and being lazy made me gain weight. The most I've ever weighed was 135. That's not big by anybodies standards. But I am unhappy with my weight, so I'm changing my lifestyle and making better choices on what I put into my body. (:

Reminds me of the FMLs about people trying on someone else's much-larger pants as a joke and discovering they fit perfectly. Ouch. Cheer up, OP. It may be a slap to your self-esteem that your "fat jeans" no longer fit, but there are worse things in the world than being chubby.