By Anonymous - 29/06/2009 17:55 - Canada

Today, I put on my "fat jeans" because none of my other jeans fit. Neither do my fat jeans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 894
You deserved it 46 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kels_bets21 0

what do you usually wear then ? because you don't just gain enough weight to fit nothing overnight.

I gained 80 lbs over know what helped me lose the weight? Exercise and not being online whining about my weight and reading fml. Unless you have a thyroid problem, or another medical condition, ydi!


Then eat less, if ur getting fat ur the only one to blame

deaditegirl 0

If you don't like your weight, go do something about it instead of whining on the internet.

Wow, you all assume way too much about the poster. Fat jeans do not necessarily mean obesity, it could mean a size 2 when she's normally a zero, for all we know. But, I still am thinking maybe you all are getting your jeans way too small if you actually need a different pair for when you're bloated. Your size isn't the smallest one you can zip up, it's the one that goes on easily and doesn't squeeze anywhere. Should fit no matter what time of the month it is (but maybe I just don't bloat that much?). But, seriously. Treadmill, aerobics, elliptical trainer, whatever you like, do it now! It's easier to take off 10 pounds than the 20+ you'll gain if you keep up your same patterns that led you to gain weight in the first place. If you get back in shape now, it'll save you a lot of agony later.

I quote Dennis Leary on this one, "Put the fork down!!"

Dammit, people, stop approving the 'Boohoo, I'm fat!' FML's. Ninety-nine percent of the time, it's your own damn fault that you're fat, and nobody's gonna feel bad for you.

If you have to have a pair of jeans called "Fat Jeans"...then there's a problem. Go take a lap. Or 6.

paleknight47 0

The "ab rocket" does wonders

AfricanChick 0

I've been there. NBD, just work out a little more/eat a little less next time, don't sweat it.

Pahoyhoy 0

Wow some of these people need to back off. What you're saying is just mean. Reality check how much do you weigh? Exactly for all you know her fat pants could be like size 5 or 7 or something dumb. Stop being so harsh.

Knotts 0

Okay, you people must have no lives at all. You have no idea who the OP is, and you know nothing about them, and you're posting rude comments? Get over yourself. If you're really gonna sit here and spout out mean words, then you must be uncomfortable with yourself. I AM fat, and I am completely proud of who I am and what I look like. No one cares about what you have to say. And if you're so concerned about how people look, you'll get no where in life. kthanksbai.