By wat_dafuq_bro - 06/05/2013 06:06

Today, I ran into my ex-girlfriend. Being the mature one, I went up to her and said, "Hey, how's it going?" She maced me and kept walking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 499
You deserved it 11 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Really? She hit you with a mace? Where does one buy a big spiked iron ball on a stick these days? I could really use one.

You should put her number on Craigslist


kudos to you for being the mature one but i hope youve learnt your lesson- next time dont bother, it aint worth it.

She should not be allowed to carry mace, period. That stuff can do real damage. Hey look I found out why she was so mad (refer back to period).

CharresBarkrey 15

The whole reason for carrying mace is that it can do real damage. That's what it's for...

24 your not supposed to use it for something like that.

CharresBarkrey 15

No, you're supposed to use it when you're in danger, because it can do real damage. It's supposed to be harmful.

there should be a training class to carry mace. Or potentially a small questionnaire when you buy it that determines if you're smart/responsible enough to have mace or if you need to take a training class .... stupid bitches

At least now u know ur the mature one....

xStaciexLynnx 15

Or the real asshole in the past relationship. Or the abusive one. Or the cheater.

BradTheBrony 19

"Wow, you cheated on me and hurt my pretty little feelings! I'm gonna spray you with extremely painful and potentially dangerous chemicals!" That's how things work, right? Right?

Are you American? I sense a litigious solution.

What does being american have to do with lawsuits?

You're right. Americans are definitely not overly litigious. Not at all. Not even slightly. Definitely not. Is the sarcasm obvious enough for you yet?

Stereotyping is never the answer.

RedPillSucks 31

@85 Ima sue you for excessive sarcasm.

Reminds me of Seinfeld when the dude got stabbed in the face with a fork.

Wow sorry to hear that. Maybe next time just walk by and act like she doesn't exist.

DaLiquer 20

Let her go bud, she is you ex for a reason!

BradTheBrony 19

He was trying to be civil, not to get in her pants. What do you mean "let her go?" Is he not allowed to interact with her EVER AGAIN because he USED to date her?

& now you can remember why you two aren't together anymore.

fatalwish 6

pretty sure that constitutes as assualt just sayin

perdix 29

If you said it through you mouth, you are indeed the more mature one. On the other hand, if you waved your penis at her and threw your voice like a ventriloquist to make it look like your dick was talking to her, you both tie for last place in the maturity contest.

perdix 29

*your mouth I'm not a morning person, sorry.