By Anonymous - 08/04/2009 00:11 - United States
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wow. #139 calm down. its pretty dumb that he would run over a kitty TWICE (the second was resonable though) but it wouldnt be entirely his fault. Maybe the kids were dumb and let it run about and stuff. but either way he did a humane thing by ending its suffering even though im mad that he didnt check if it could still be fine. i suppose its not his fault?
poor little kitten. As bad as i feel for the cat, THIS WAS FUNNY AS HELL
I agree that accidents happen, so people shouldn't go around screaming to be a better driver. Small animals are FAST. Sometimes you don't notice it till the last second. The thing that pisses me off is that she didn't GET OUT OF THE CAR to check on the animal. So what if it was twitching? Get out, check it out, and if you ascertain it won't survive and it's in pain, THEN do it. Yeah, make's it all the harder to get back in the car and back over it, but it's the RIGHT thing. So if you ran over a child or a person, saw them twitching, you'd just go run back over him again without going out to check? You don't do that. And I don't care if you can't compare a kitten to a squirrel or a person. It's still a living thing. Give it at least enough respect and caring to see if it ACTUALLY is hopeless.
@132: Who the **** would mistake a child for a squirrel? We have no idea how fast the OP was going. All we know is that he/she was driving (in what appears to be a residential area) and ran over a cat. It was an accident, and yes, you probably should have gotten out of your car to check first, but you hit a kitten with your car; the chances that it's going to be able to survive are slim to none. At least you were able to put it out of its misery.
Geeze, everyone here is a bunch of tree-hugging jackasses. It was a god damn kitten! Tire Vs. Kitten, hmm, maybe if it was Iron Kitten or something. IT WAS GOING TO DIE! He did the right thing, and better to hit the kitten than to swerve out of control and hit the kids that were standing right there. And yes people rank higher than animals in importance, get over it.
What makes a squirrel better than a kitten? You can't just kill off an animal because it's deemed as 'less important' as another animal. That's just cruel. Besides, I think it's more of the childrens' FML: Today, a car hit my kitten on the road. My kitten wasn't dead until he ran over my kitten again. On purpose. FML
you did the right thing. even though the kids are ****** up it's better to not let the kitten suffer. RIP KITTY!