By Sammy - 25/11/2011 08:44 - United States

Today, I re-broke my leg. The same way I broke it the first time, playing frisbee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 994
You deserved it 13 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Frisbee is a dangerous game. Claims many victims.


What kind of frisbee are you playing? Because I think your doing it wrong...

flockz 19

ultimate frisbee just got REAL!

How does this happen?!? Extreme frisbee, I'll say!

duz any1 exept me play extreme Frisbee lol it's when you have 2 teams of 5 ppl and steel cast frisbees you can have your ribs broken with pathetic of throws (ps it's played like doge ball

marksman24 0

Even then its hard to break anything

marksman24 0

Even then its hard to break anything

Sarah_moustache 9

Take care of his own leg? The cast and time was supposed to take care of his leg. He's not paralyzed and maybe he wanted to have fun. Btw your picture is really scary

kate1238 9

Why would you play if your leg was broke and shouldnt you have learned from the first time not to do the same thing again?

He obviously thought it was healed.. Or was just trying to have fun.

sugarandspice33 0

Maybe you should stop playing frisbee, just a thought

The phrase "break a leg" wasn't meant to be literal.

Capt_Oblivious 10

Tackle frisbee. Now there is a game I could enjoy.