By PookaKay02 - 20/09/2011 04:26 - United States

Today, I realize that my boyfriend's breath quite literally smells like a sewer. It wouldn't be so bad, except that he tries to kiss me about every ten minutes, and I have to hold my breath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 032
You deserved it 8 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Just before he tries to get smoochy, pop 10 mints in your mouth. Then as you engage contact spit them all in his mouth.

perdix 29

Get a job at the local wastewater treatment plant so you can be around the smell of raw sewage all day. You'll get accustomed to it and your boyfriend's mouth will just taste like work. Or get a new boyfriend.


Maybe he just needs to gargle after having sex with you, especially if he's tossing your salad. Reminds me of the time I first stayed at my girlfriend's house. I walked into the kitchen, took a deep breath and exclaimed "Mmmm, kippers for breakfast!?". He mother just looked at me and said "No, porridge. Now go and wash your hands and face".

I was going to say the same thing 0.o I guess great minds think alike!!!

NoahCOD24 5

ummm either deal with it your self, or break up with him!

MerrikBarbarian 9

I dunno. my dentist diagnosed a sinus infection before my doc did because the only symptom I had was tooth pain. dentists can sometimes say what's wrong even if it's not teeth

tigermilz 1

How is this a fml moment ?? This is more stupidity !! Speak up and tell him his breathe stinks !

RedSharpieInk 5

Just say he can't kiss you until he gets the sewer out of his mouth..:D

Say something! Perhaps he has an infection in his mouth or sinuses.

Hold his mouth open and make him drink mouthwash!

I feel for you. A very close friend of mine has decaying teeth, they haven't been saving money to get it checked out and just kind of deal with the pain. I hold my breath when they laugh in my direction or talk to me directly.

donetsk1991 1

Tell him to go see a doctor this might be a serious problem that might be coming from the digestive system