By PookaKay02 - 20/09/2011 04:26 - United States

Today, I realize that my boyfriend's breath quite literally smells like a sewer. It wouldn't be so bad, except that he tries to kiss me about every ten minutes, and I have to hold my breath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 032
You deserved it 8 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Just before he tries to get smoochy, pop 10 mints in your mouth. Then as you engage contact spit them all in his mouth.

perdix 29

Get a job at the local wastewater treatment plant so you can be around the smell of raw sewage all day. You'll get accustomed to it and your boyfriend's mouth will just taste like work. Or get a new boyfriend.


Stop being cheAp and buy this bastard a tooth brush and mouth wash. Your fault.

morgan020 0

Sometimes that's easier said than done. My husband has awful breath and as much as I have begged him to brush his teeth better and go to the dentist and get it checked out he refuses. The worst part now is that I'm pregnant and everytime he leans in for a kiss I throw up. :/ and he still doesn't believe there is a problem and that it's all just in my head.

Does it smell like Satan's ass gas? ... Seriously though, you need to tell him and that needs to be checked.

He needs to get that checked out...gum and tooth disease can shorten your joke.

My girlfriend came right out and told me I had bad breath, and now I brush more often. Problem solved! It's quite literally as simple as that.

Heres what you do, put a swig of listerine in your mouth, and when he starts kissing you just dump it into his mouth, problem solved :D

You're going to have to tell him soon. that's really gross and I'm sure that it isn't pleasant for you. Yeah, he might be a little hurt but this is a one time thing.

my ex boyfriend would kiss me and after saliva would be all over my mouth