By mr - 27/07/2010 18:44 - United States

Today, I realized every time I go to take a poop, my 9 month old crawls into the bathroom and sobs at my feet. I now have to let my 9 month old sit on my lap while I shit, because I can't do it any other way. The end to all privacy has now come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 765
You deserved it 10 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bittersweets 2

word. put it in a safe place and go shit alone. if you let your baby get what it wants every time you're going to have some hard years in front of you...


hamstersFOreal 0

62 its a ******* NINE month old, get a life. u dont expect it the kid to be trained like a dog do u?!?!?!?!??!?!

amccrea 0

maybe its time to get her a potty of her own so when your on the toilet she can be there too.

jesswynn89 0

It's scary that people on here are so immature. I have the same problem with my daughter, she has to hold my hand. People who just leave a child crying, especially at such a young age are obviously ignorant to parenting all together

MetalFish 0

You leave the door open when you're bending one out? WHY?! that is so wrong. and your Kid is clingy. wean it off being so clingy, it will have major repercussions if you pander to it's needs constantly.

IAmNotPedobear 0

I request proof. Preferably in video or picture form.

you should teach him/ her boundaries. they are old enough. not beat or scream mind you. and try closing the door or putting the kid somewhere safe. wth?

How about you put the child in a carrier or other seat and close your door? It really isn't that hard to figure out.

furley you serious it's 9 months old and wants attention ..if the baby was maybe 5or something like that, it then could be a problem