By mr - 27/07/2010 18:44 - United States

Today, I realized every time I go to take a poop, my 9 month old crawls into the bathroom and sobs at my feet. I now have to let my 9 month old sit on my lap while I shit, because I can't do it any other way. The end to all privacy has now come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 765
You deserved it 10 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bittersweets 2

word. put it in a safe place and go shit alone. if you let your baby get what it wants every time you're going to have some hard years in front of you...


You can't let the kid cry for the 2 minutes it takes to use the bathroom? Your life does suck, but not for the reason you think.

Rtard94 0

what im wondering is why r u taking a dump with the door open and just leaving your baby out alone

morgan020 0

what's privacy again? I haven't experienced that in so long I think I've forgotten. my 2 year old will only use the potty if my husband or I do and even if he refuses to use the potty. he wants to be in there to wash his hands or push the lever on the toilet. oh and closing the door only works for so long.

zebraflow 0

#67- not all babies aree da same...

cute but clingy , bringing the baby in is only going to ensure wicked seperation issues ! a nine month old is old enough that they should not be held every second ! I would stop now or your going to be in for some tantrums soon !!!

mistyshaiah 3

A lot of babies go through this. Mine did and she outgrew it. If you are the only one there, put the baby in the crib or let them in the bathroom with you, You should NEVER leave a child unattended in a swing or anything like that (babies have died that way, thus the warning labels). Not allowing your child to scream and cry does not guarantee separation issues. There's more to it than that. That being said, this isn't exactly an FML, nor did the OP deserve it. Welcome to having kids.

Erindub 0

Its shit like this which prevents me from procreating

fringle 0

YDI for caring about your privacy more than your own child.