By Anonymous - 16/12/2013 07:55

Today, I realized how bad my depression has gotten when I caught myself fantasizing about suicide while having sex with my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 015
You deserved it 7 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dom_Olivares 12

Talk it out with your husband or someone else!

Eliseopwns 22

We all have problems. At least you know and acknowledge yours.


JMichael 25

Oh no :( I hope that was a sign to go talk to someone about it - and maybe someone new if you already have been.

buttcramp 21

ya know I hate to be "that guy" but you ought to talk to someone.. suicide is ******* serious. I went through some stuff and I got help and I'm glad I did! depression isn't something to be ashamed of and the treatment for it is simply a pill a day.. hang in there OP

It's not always a pill. The medication I was on made my depression so much worse that I landed in the psych ward. I actually found that having a dog with me cuts my anxiety and depression level so much. But that's what works for me and it may not work for everyone. :)

buttcramp 21

you have to "find the right cocktail" for you. for me its taking certain vitamins with celexa. it can also be as simple as changing your daily routine. like hit the gym or treat yourself to a froyo after work!

That's an idea--a support animal. I understand some people have support animals they take with them to ease their anxiety and depression. Even if she's not officially a support animal, having a dog or cat around the house can be a comfort. Stroking an animal's fur is said to lower blood pressure and increase endorphins.

Hun, I am proud that you acknowledge that there is an issue. That is a very hard step and most people are in denial when suffering from depression. There are many, many people out there willing to listen including myself. I know what depression is like, I know what suicidal thoughts are like. I've been hospitalized because I knew I needed help. And you know what? Things are better now, not perfect (they're never perfect) but they are soo much better and I'm happy. I know you can be happy too, it just takes baby steps.