By extremereviews - 16/08/2015 22:14 - United States - Fort Worth

Today, I realized how cheap I am when I blacked out at a water park and some one yelled "Call 911!" I tried to mutter out "No, that's too expensive!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 012
You deserved it 14 845

extremereviews tells us more.

Hello everyone! Yes I do have insurance, but the last time a friend of mine needed an ambulance the bill was still over $1500 after insurance. Also yes, in America you do have to pay when you go to the hospital. Luckily the water park just so happened to be built directly next to a fire station, so they just wheeled me over there and treated me on site. I was very dehydrated, and when I blacked out I was actually in line to get a water from the concession stand but I had been waiting in line for over 30 minutes in the heat which didn't help.

Top comments

'You'll have to pry my wallet from my cold, dead hands!'


mads_nicole 19

I can honestly say I would have done the same

my insurance covers maybe half of an ambulance ride so i would have to pay $400 out of pocket. I agree, I'd have done the same. :/

When I lived in Australia those fees were added on your energy bill

Funny what our brains think of in crises. With that in mind though, as Count Rugen once said, "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything!"

I FYLed this because the American healthcare system is awful. You don't deserve to skip health care because the system sucks.

i had health insurance through work until obamacare. now i make too much to get it cheap and i dont make enough to afford it. it's bullshit. all the lazy people and drug addicts who dont want to work have babies and collect welfare and get free everything.

You can be upset about Obamacare if you want, but blaming it on fictional 'lazy people and drug addicts' is pathetic. You live in a system that only functions if there are losers, a lot of them, in fact. The government does VERY LITTLE to try and balance this out, but you don't give a ****, because right now you are winning. You success is hinged on the failure of other people, regardless of how long and hard they work. It's called Capitalism. How about you just be glad that you can put a shirt on your back and food in your mouth, though you might have to pull your foot out first.

Just don't sprain your ankle while doing so.

Actually he is right Obamacare has ruined the health care system far worse than it was. I know so many people in same position. Yet, people on welfare keep having kids and that's where all of tax dollars go. $74Billion spent on welfare in 2014. Up from $58billion in 2013. But nah, the problem isn't welfare and Obama. Not at all.

first off you maybe live someone different but where i come from that's what it is. everyone is on welfare, and not because there is no jobs. i am grateful i have what i have but i work for it.i understand people needing help, but if they dont help themselves and just want to collect and not put anything in the system then they are losers. all i hear out of people mouths are how they can play the system."you dont want want to work. ok here's foodstamps. oh you look like a junky and want meth for an extra high. ok here you go and while you are at it take these food stamps and health care with no deductible or copay while other people that are working have nothing." you have no clue!!! it's the people and the goverment!!

I know, right? Sure, I'm working the only available position I've found in the last two years, and I'm taking care of my disabled father, and we don't make enough to eat all the time, but damn it if my problems should have to burden you, at least in your mind. I'd pull myself up by my bootstraps if somebody didn't take my boots away.

im sorry. i know it is hard. like i said before, if you are trying and need help then you deserve it. where i live there are jobs that people can get most just dont want to work.

$800 for a 4 minute ambulance ride despite me telling the police and paramedics i was fine....

poostickles 14

What state are you from #19? In Adelaide an ambulance ride is over $800, unless you're smart enough to get ambulance cover

dispatchingmom 1

You don't have to pay anything for being treated on the scene, at least by every department I know of. If you can always refuse transportation. If they tell you you do need to go to the hospital, you can always say you will get a ride with a friend. Paramedics understand how expensive ambulance rides are will be understanding, especially if you fainted and are otherwise uninjured.

As long as you're conscious, anyway.

shit_fer_luck 8

I had an ovarian cyst rupture on a weekend. Bought fell over while grocery shopping. My spouse insisted that we go to the ER. At the time, we had no idea what was causing the pain. The bill I've received from dealing with all of this is outrageous. The urinary pregnancy test that they insisted they do cost me $168!!! Use of the room was around $1400!!! A pelvic exam was about $500!!!!! Starting an IV port to take blood, administer pain meds was $300!!!!! The cheapest thing on there was my morphine, which was under $20. A damn bargain, apparently. Yes, we have insurance, but I have a deductible of $1200, and then they cover maybe 80% after that. Looking at about $1600 in medical bills from all of this nonsense. I understand where the OP is coming from. New life rule: unless an appendage is falling off or I'm about to die, I will not go to the ER. ******* highway robbery.