By littleman - 06/04/2012 11:32 - United States

Today, I realized I'm too short to use the urinals at work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 449
You deserved it 2 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Icejza_DaChilla 7

Perfect username. Just get a foot stool! Problem solved littleman :3

Urine quite a situation there. I would just piss it off and use the toilet.


xxmckenzierae 5

a REAL FML. Cause you're probably short all your life. Right?

TheDrifter 23

I'll bet the reactions would be great. Urinals aren't large enough to sit on and pee into, so op would be sitting on the urinal, arcing a stream across the bathroom.

Awww! It's ok littleman :3 I'm 17 and only 4'10". I have to spend about 10 minutes adjusting the driver's seat just so I can reach the pedals and see over the steering wheel whenever I drive. It's all good though :) Us little people are cute, feisty, and just pure awesome ^.^

That's sucks man. But you aren't alone with that. I have a cousin who is really short and has problems like that too. He is only 4ft 5in tall. So you aren't alone. You'll just have to tough it out because there really is nothing you can do. Sorry man.

i find the water is too shallow in the urinals.

That's it, I'm going to patent urinal stirrups

Go somewhere public and use their bathrooms, public places don't expect everyone to be tall :) they gotta cater for all!