By Anonymous - 13/11/2010 17:55 - United States

Today, I realized I've been playing too much Call of Duty. I started screaming, "Spawn, bitch! Spawn!" at my microwavable pizza while it was in the microwave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 293
You deserved it 56 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you're a spawncamper? ...I hate you.

don't feel bad I've been throwing stuff at ppl thinking I'm using a tomahawk


F_U_imcrippled 0

I know I play too much COD yesterday while I was at the park I killed 3 people and then got mad because I couldn't find the remote for my UAV.

does no one go outside and enjoy the weather anymore?

simple_idiot_6 6

Lmao. I have those moments too, except for with L4D.

Tmoney541 0

hahaha dude I think everyone plays to much and wow that is pretty funny

I play cod to much too and get yelled at for it