By really - 22/05/2016 02:23 - United States - Denver

Today, I realized my boyfriend's right hand gets more action in a week than I do in a month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 271
You deserved it 2 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So does that make him his own right hand man.

Pull out your vibrator and give his hand some real competition ... In all seriousness, talk to him and see if you can work on the relationship. See if he can start using all that hand action on you, and start some mutual fun time.



Even if you are having as much sex as you would like to, he's probably still going to wank anyway- just because he is with you, it doesn't mean he is going to solely rely on you for sexual activity or stop wanking altogether and it doesn't mean you have to do the same either. If you feel like you're not having enough sex, you need to COMMUNICATE with your boyfriend instead of whining, beating yourself up about it or externally validating on the internet.

Us dudes like doing it ourselves because we know what works for us. It's really no offense to you.

I feel your pain OP. I'm pretty much in the same boat with my husband. I don't even think he's masturbating that much. He's just totally lost all interest. Either way, it sucks.

graphicstyle7 17

It's time to seriously either talk to your boyfriend, or find a new guy. Sexual selfishness is a very bad sign for any future happiness.

Just FYI, in my previous relationship this was one of the first things I noticed in the six months downhill that led to us separating. You need to talk to him and see if you can fix this before it is too late.

The struggle! Just whip out the ***** & start doing yourself in front of him! Lol, talk to him about it though, been there & it fricken blows but communication helped thankfully! (:

My fiances hand gets more action in a week than I get in three years.

cho_bee 9

Would a left handed boyfriend help?

Hit the treadmill... Even if your not fat you can always be thinner

It's ****** up comments like this that make women so scared to even dare to find themselves attractive. Like, we don't need your negative opinions nor your shit ego. Bye, Felicia.

Yup... same here. He says it's to keep the machine well oiled and the pipes clean so he doesn't get prostate cancer. Riiiiggghhhhhtt! He swears he finds me super attractive and sexy. Sad innit?