By fmal - 07/05/2009 03:47 - United States

Today, I realized my wedding ring was missing. Turns out, my son had taken it to give to a girl he likes in the second grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 292
You deserved it 8 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try keeping it in a safe place. Or wearing it.

DownUndah 0



amazingapril 0

my mom does karate. and she has to take her wedding ring off all of the time. i can see that the OP would have had to take the ring off for something. 2nd graders are certainly not 2 feet tall, they can reach the top of dressers and kitchen counters. & i think that what the little boy did was adorable.

Vb2010 0

When i was in 2nd grade one of my classmates brought me his moms ring lol!

So my mom hates jewelry and never wears her wedding ring. Ever. I think I've seen her wear it a few times at nice family get-togethers like weddings, but other than that, it sits in the hutch cabinet. I still stand by what I said: She's a bad parent, and should have taught her kid that stealing is wrong. If I'd done something like that, I would have been spanked as a child. All you pussy parents out there going on about how you shouldn't punish them or whatever, it's BECAUSE of parents like you that this society is going to shit. I hope you're happy.

LOL, when you get it back, buy your son a cheap-o toy ring to give to her.

live1laugh2love3 0
DCMurphy 0

Yeah exactly #159... I doubt she threw it away. And if she did it's gotta be at the school still. But yeah, you should keep you assets a bit more under your control, just think if he thinks this is acceptable behavior he'll be lifting gas money out of your purse when he turns 16. I hope I never have kids... I could never put up with something like that.

Aw! your little son knows some romance skills! :) You should call this little girls mother and explain the situation- they should give it back! Hopefully she didnt lose it or pass it on to some other boy she likes... :O)

oldslagliv 0

Well you've got a maggot for a son then haven't you.

bigrederin 0

Um, why was it off your finger?

Dezzi_ka 0