By Damnit - 17/11/2011 18:11 - United States

Today, I realized that in my relationship with my significant other, the roles are switched. We went out for a nice dinner, I paid, and when we got home he "had a headache" and asked for an aspirin so he could go to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 247
You deserved it 6 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Welcome to the 21st century where people are people and there are no "roles".


ScrivNasty 3

Here's an "FF" Fun Fact. Sex helps relieve headaches, so tell that little poon to man up and satisfy you =P

heartcloud_fml 3

What is this word you call "shiv-el- ree"?

bizarre_ftw 21

Actually chivalry came from one of the "Edward prince of Wales"s, possibly the Black Prince? But don't quote me. Anyway, this prince, or perhaps king at the time, started the order of the garter and produced a code that knights must follow, aka chivalry. The way this came about, according to legend, is said royal dude, whoever he was - I honestly don't remember, was dancing with a woman when her garter fell off. Instead of letting her be humiliated he picked up the garter and placed it on his own leg. So yes, paying for dinner, pulling out chairs, holding doors open, laying your jacket over a puddle, etc.... Is chivalrous. That being said, I personally am corny intolerant so I suggest light if any amounts of chivalry at least with me and only done well without the cornyism that generally follows suit.

bizarre_ftw 21

1) paying for a woman is in fact chivalrous so she doesn't have to spend her money 2) totally agree

uprising_fml 0

sexism toward men ? please . I deal with sexist assholes every day and I am constantly fighting for women to be respected--men don't get shit . and anyone who wants to contradict me is a self-righteous idiot with impaired vision . we have come a long way, but we are still continuing that fight to be respected . and sure, men may get a sexist crack here or there, but it will never compare to sexist jokes and comments against women .

perdix 29

I believe as far as educational and employment opprtunities go, there should be absolute equality between the sexes. But, sexually, we are still very different. If a man had his sexual advances rejected, he knows to take it well and be a good sport. Reject a woman and she'll get very upset and hate you. I don't know if differences like that will ever disappear, but right now they are very real.

uprising_fml 0

gender roles don't exist any more--so why care ? it's fine if a person doesn't feel like having sex, male or female . and so you paid for dinner; big whoop, I do that for my boyfriend sometimes, we switch on who pays.

uprising_fml 0

yes but that's a stereotype, and that stereotype stems from the general fact that men are usually more sexually aroused and more often than women . but that's not how I work: when my boyfriend wants to have sex, I'm always up for it . everyone's different .

RKD 23

Dang, wish I had a gf like you!

KiddNYC1O 20

Doesn't matter, had sex... Oh, wait...

tucansam555 3