By Damnit - 17/11/2011 18:11 - United States

Today, I realized that in my relationship with my significant other, the roles are switched. We went out for a nice dinner, I paid, and when we got home he "had a headache" and asked for an aspirin so he could go to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 247
You deserved it 6 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Welcome to the 21st century where people are people and there are no "roles".


NullPointer 20

I disagree. Women just get to complain about it more, out sexist society only allows women to complain about those things. I saw an fml recently about a guy who grabbed a girl's ass thinking it was his girlfriend. She punched him in the face, giving him a black eye. He told his gf what happened, and she gave him another black eye and dumped him. Most comments were saying he deserved it, or even deserved worse. I cannot imagine anything close to that being said were the genders reversed. "I saw my boyfriend at a party and grabbed his ass. Turns out it wasn't him, and he punched me in the face, giving me a black eye. I told my boyfriend what happened, and he punched my in the face, giving me a second black eye." I think people would be shocked. I doubt the comments would go the same way. In my experience I see men being mistreated for their gender much more than women.

ideasrule 13

I would have said FYI, except the tone of the FML and the OP's username suggest that she thinks it's somehow more just if the roles weren't switched. It's not. The only valid complaint the OP has is that her relationship isn't equal, but it seems that she wants more than that--she wants her bf to always pay, and she wants to be pampered all the time. That's why I voted YDI.

I honestly hate people like you who are so sexist to guys like you are probably so affended by the go make me a sandwich jokes but suddenly when it's guys not paying or anything it's okay like shut up and suck it up cause we guys don't like sexism just as much as girls don't

BabyMimi00 12

#68, Stop being so sensitive; it was a joke ;P

Petunia888 13
bizarre_ftw 21

93 - Damn! If we ever meet I'm honestly in mortal terror of what your opinion of me will hangout

Hahahahaha. Sounds like a couple I know.

iMagzzzy 0

You're implying that the man is supposed to pay. Bitch

This FML might have just set women's rights back a couple of decades

I love how guys go through this on a daily basis, but as soon as it happens to a girl... It's on an FML

SynystaRena 0

Did anyone relize she nvr said anything bout sex.....

I would have given this a thumbs up except your spelling bugs me

MatthewDmerrill 5

So how do you like being treated like a bank? Huh?