This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Fred - 27/06/2009 01:32 - United States

Today, I realized that my company's calendar is synchronized throughout the whole building. The entire company now knows that I made love to my wife last Wednesday and Friday, and that I went out with a girl named Janet on Saturday. My wife's name is Julie, and she works in the same building. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 958
You deserved it 185 901


pooh_bear123 0

That sounds fake. If it's true you deserve it.

YDI, stupid cheating asshole. I hope your wife divorces the hell out of you. Commit suicide before you cheat, please.

you had the nerve to go out with some chick after making love with your wife recent to that? good thing that the whole office knows...they all know your an asshole and now that you posted it on this site, so do we. why did you even write this here? your wife should be the one writing how you cheated on her and on top of that, the whole frickin office knows, you prick.

YDI big time and on a side note why would you even put having sex with your wife in your organizer.

brightandsunny 0

**** you. Cheating bastard. You deserve it. I hope she kills you.. I hate cheaters.. You make us feel worthless once we find out.

lalalaloveit 0

You totally deserve it for cheating on your wife you douchebag. I hope she leaves you with nothing you ******* idiot.

kuyekandy 0

shouldn't have cheated, you idiot. what goes around, comes around.