This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Fred - 27/06/2009 01:32 - United States

Today, I realized that my company's calendar is synchronized throughout the whole building. The entire company now knows that I made love to my wife last Wednesday and Friday, and that I went out with a girl named Janet on Saturday. My wife's name is Julie, and she works in the same building. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 958
You deserved it 185 901


People that dumb only come from Michigan.... GO BUCKEYES!!!!

peterdpetigrew 0

YDI for cheating and putting in on your company's calendar idiot

I have perfect solution. Tell everyone it was auto correct and you really meant to type your wifes name...then theres the problem of her knowing she didn't go out on Saturday...convice her she was drunk. Hahahahahaha!!!

For all the haters, everybody cheats or wants to cheat, get over it. For this failure, didn't you ever notice everyone else's shit popping up on your calendar?!

you deserve it you cheating bastard.

carolineoliviaa 0

hahaha douche!! cheating on ur wife....I hope she takes u for everything u ever dreamed of having!! what a **** stick!!!

briissocoollike 8

Ydi for being a filthy cheating bastard and a dumbass