This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Fred - 27/06/2009 01:32 - United States

Today, I realized that my company's calendar is synchronized throughout the whole building. The entire company now knows that I made love to my wife last Wednesday and Friday, and that I went out with a girl named Janet on Saturday. My wife's name is Julie, and she works in the same building. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 958
You deserved it 185 901


okay, listen up people. when you moderate, you're not supposed to pick the crappy ones. you do not want to pick ones that everyone will say YDI to. capiche? I mean really, this is just pathetic. this asshole doesn't deserve this much attention, and definitely doesn't deserve to be on fmylife.

Why are you adding this personal stuff to your work calendar? Didn't you realize that the cal sync'd company-wide after seeing (for example) Harry's meeting about the Pearson account suddenly appear last Tuesday? It's a basic tech skill to understand your technology. It's a basic life skill to cover your tracks. You're no good at either. Now, you're gonna get caught. She'll divorce you, take half your stuff, take a buttload of cash from you monthly for the next dozen years or more, and laugh about you to every guy she goes down on from now on. And yes, she'll tell all of them that they're bigger than you.

babygrl_13 0

aww it's so cute you think people will feel sympathy for you! It makes absolutely no sense to me why you would cheat on your wife because from what I can gather off you post, you get it from her pretty regularly...? Not only that but what on earth possessed you to schedule sex with your wife? unless you're trying which would REALLY suck for your poor wife... And how could you really NOT know that the entire company can see your calendar? Haven't you been able to see everyone else's for the last however long you've worked there? I think you are either as stupid as you try to say you are...or like every other cheater out there, you're still lying.

dude why would u even put that on ur calendar? dumbASS

Good for you. Monogamy in this day and age is ridiculous. Make sure you keep cheating and with more women because now that she knows she's going to return the favor

Silver_Eyes 0

I hope you mean "My wife's name WAS Julie". YDI, you cheating bastard.

you dirty little bastard . how dare you treat your wife like this . go die in a hole .