By arrrrggggghhhh - 04/03/2009 23:38 - United States

Today, I realized that my roommate has been using my loofah to clean our toilet. I've been cleaning myself with the shit of four college boys for the last six months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 119
You deserved it 5 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the most disgusting thing I've ever read.

That is unbelievably disgusting. Was it out of malice or is your roommate an idiot that doesn't know what a loofah is for?


wait wait wait...ur a college boy...and ur using a LOOFAH????

tohaveandtohold 0
tchaikovsky93 0

I swear, I would KILL the mofo! Stab hiiiiim !!

It shows the symbol for male on the iPhone.

X_o_X_ocutie 0

a guy shouldn't have a loofah to begin with he can, but he shouldnt

wtf is with you people thinking a guy shouldn't have a loofah? i won't touch a guy unless he uses one! it actually CLEANS you, unlike just rubbing soap on your skin, and gets rid of dead skin cells. OP, fyl.

fyl for being a guy and having a loofah in the first place

that's called being gay. the balls and dick part.