By arrrrggggghhhh - 04/03/2009 23:38 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 30/01/2017 23:00 - United Kingdom - Dukinfield
By Derp McShitstain - 16/09/2012 19:48 - United Kingdom - Saint Helens
By disgusted - 16/03/2012 09:02 - United States
By shittysituation - 05/01/2015 06:27 - United States - Milpitas
Give it back
By upset room mate - 18/08/2011 06:59 - United States
Pleasant smell
By Anonymous - 10/12/2019 01:00
By Anonymous - 28/02/2012 18:20 - United States
To the window, to the wall
By Kim - 17/07/2020 23:01
By Anonymous - 15/06/2015 02:54 - United States - San Francisco
By GrossedOut - 11/01/2012 07:47 - United States
Top comments
wait wait wait...ur a college boy...and ur using a LOOFAH????
It shows the symbol for male on the iPhone.
ewww thts ******
wtf is with you people thinking a guy shouldn't have a loofah? i won't touch a guy unless he uses one! it actually CLEANS you, unlike just rubbing soap on your skin, and gets rid of dead skin cells. OP, fyl.
fyl for being a guy and having a loofah in the first place
that's called being gay. the balls and dick part.
Atleast he was cleaning. :)
This is the most disgusting thing I've ever read.
That is unbelievably disgusting. Was it out of malice or is your roommate an idiot that doesn't know what a loofah is for?