By nottananny - 21/07/2009 08:49 - United States

Today, I realized why I was hired to be a nanny. Apparently the husband had eyes for the last nanny. According to the wife I am not attractive enough to be a threat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 732
You deserved it 3 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why doesn't she just leave him? She can't keep him away from the attractive female population forever, so what's the point of continuing the relationship if she has to go to these measures just to keep him somewhat faithful?

Now you should do everything you can do sleep with the husband, just to get back at the wife. That'll show her.


I thought God gave us ugly women so that trophy wives won't have to worry about their husband straying with the nanny?

umwat3 0

Trophy wives are the catch, while the 'nanny' should be the real wife. The husband should be allowed to have a hot wife to make himself happy. The nanny shouldn't exist, it's a wife's job to do the housework.

heavenandhell 0

The wife probably decided not to leave him because the kids... They hired a nanny they must have kids or they would have hired a cleaning service to do all of their shit

islaphippos 0

At least you have a ******* job. Quit complaining. I was laid off almost three months ago and I can't even find a job sweeping floors.

That isn't why she was hired. She was hired because the wife thought that her husband wouldn't "have eyes" for her, as he did with the previous nanny. That can mean anything. He could be attracted to blondes, OP could be a brunette. She could be short, he could be attracted to tall women. It doesn't mean that she's ugly, nor does it mean that they think she's ugly. It just means that she's not his type. And for that, I don't feel sorry for her, because no one is everyone's type. I also don't understand why this an FML because who would want their boss to be attracted to them? Especially when your job is to take care of their children?

You're there to be a nanny, not swoon the husband. Stfu and do your job.

Well atleast you're not a home wreaker

theycallmenell 0

she's probably a jealous bitch I bet ur pretty y would you take what she thinks of you seriously still fyl cuz of jealous bitches

cuterthanuthink 0