By T-Shain - 31/05/2009 05:45 - United States

Today, I rear-ended a car. While we were waiting for the police, we made small talk, at which point I learned that he was an attorney. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 396
You deserved it 8 537

Same thing different taste

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I backed into a lawyer's car, he was super cool about it, and my insurance covered everything. Since the police were there, he can't do anything since it will be in the police report whether he was injured or not. You should be fine. Just tell you insurance company and they will take care of it.

Okay all the people who think rear-ending someone is automatically reason to call the OP a bad driver are obviously really new drivers or have never driven before at all. People are DUMB. They stop for the stupidest reasons ever and if you're in traffic you aren't keeping 2 car distances between you. Or they cut you off and cause you to rear end them. That's actually a pretty common scam to get money. A rear-end should NOT always be the persons fault.

Well, unfortunately it wouldn't matter if he was an attorney or not because in the eyes of the law, it is already your fault. That's ironic though?

Simple! Hire him to defend you.......... against him. hahahaha!!!

cxal_fml 0

32 - being in traffic is the number one reason why you should always keep multiple car distances between you. Anyone who isn't dumb, and has driven a car before, knows that

cxal_fml 0

There is a scam involved where you can rear end someone and have it not be your fault. However it takes 2-4 other cars involved to create the scene, but a good driver can notice whats happening and can take steps to prevent it - IE slowing down and not speeding up when the tailgating car approaches. Then if the scammers don't back off, its the scammers who rear-end you, not you rear-ending the target car

irishfever 0

Don't feel bad - I once hit an attorney specializing in accident related injury. He was also driving a $130k mercedes convertible. But nothing happened other than normal accident stuff.

I always get so amused when people get so worked up over FML's.

meddude 0

ohhhh dude you are ******!!!!