By Azure_Mist - 27/01/2011 22:53 - United States

Today, I received a bouquet of flowers from my boyfriend, which is something he's never done before. Unfortunately, this was his way of apologizing for cheating on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 303
You deserved it 3 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flowers = I cheated on you Perfume = I crashed your car Clothes = I stole money from your purse Candy = I secretly hate your mother Diamond = I secretly ****** your mother

"you are the defanition of "moron"" "defanition of "moron"" "defanition" Pot, meet kettle.


titin_rubini 0

slap his face with d flowers, dump him, make potpouri with it, n put all d thorns on his bed. but thats just me ;)

Make him happy, he won't cheat then. And workout a little too

iloveboyswittats 10

obviously you will never be in any kind of meaningful relationship

brknheartdsavior 0

that's okay, my first were when I aborted his baby. FML.

soldier4life_88 0

he's an ass OP!! I hope you dumped his cheating ass!!

At least he was honest and apologized :/ Look on the bright side :D

breena25 0

4- ur pic reminds me of hills have eyes :(

Mabster84 2

Seriously, break up with this guy. He's going to believe that all he has to do is make you happy after he does a dirty deed in order to make things square with you again. A leopard doesn't change its' spots, and if he cheated on you once, then obviously he isn't in love with you, otherwise he wouldn't have been sharing an intimate moment with another woman. I seriously suggest leaving the D-bag.