By Azure_Mist - 27/01/2011 22:53 - United States

Today, I received a bouquet of flowers from my boyfriend, which is something he's never done before. Unfortunately, this was his way of apologizing for cheating on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 301
You deserved it 3 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flowers = I cheated on you Perfume = I crashed your car Clothes = I stole money from your purse Candy = I secretly hate your mother Diamond = I secretly ****** your mother

"you are the defanition of "moron"" "defanition of "moron"" "defanition" Pot, meet kettle.


If he's got the guts and cares enough about you to admit it and apologize, he's got a chance.

xoashdabashxo 4

screw that. burn them and put it on his door step.

At least he's only given you one bouquet of flowers? lol. JK. But for real, get rid of him. Now how will you know when he's doing nice things to kiss ass or just to be nice. You'll never know the difference.

soak them in bleach and give them to hiis ***** :)

stevendsi 0

i would of done the same to u

At least he confessed and she didn't find out some other way. Now she can calmly decide whether or not to leave him.