By Anonymous - 17/07/2009 12:56 - United States

Today, I received a "diamond ring" in Mafia Wars (a facebook app) from my boyfriend of 3 years. Along with the ring came a message. It read, "Will you marry me?" He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 459
You deserved it 9 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't that a good thing? I mean, yeah it's not an expensive restaurant and real ring ... but I think it's sweet and almost romantic. :)

Don't post a FML because you are sad you didn't get some multi-thousand dollar ring. He could've given you nothing, like some people on here get. lol


flyingpan8 0

so....? it's the ******* recession you gold digging bitch! anybody can give out rimjobs by a portable john and raise the coin to buy a diamond ring, but you got a man to marry you - this should be the happiest day of your life! you ungrateful idiot. lol, i'm just kidding. yeah that is pretty pathetic and cheap on your boyfriend's part. fyl dude, fyl.

Wow! That is soo sweet and cute and adorable and not to mention ROMANTIC! Stop being such an asshole and say yes to the human being, for Heaven's sake! :D

ihatestupidppl 0

Kinda hard to say yes to "the human being" considering he did it over a computer. She could say yes to her screen, I suppose.

Hey, its creative. Of course, it'd be better if he planned it so that he'd be with you when you logged on, then gave you a real ring at the same time or something. But still, don't complain.

anichole 0

Aww, that is adorable!! I think it was sweet!!

kawa_fml 0

awww....think you'll ever get to see him in person?

Noxx_fml 0

aww that's really cute =) You realize that it probably just wasn't a random whim thing right? Like he's probably been planning it for a while and waiting to get you a proper ring and all. Jeeze lighten up, if you can't take the humor and seriousness of this then maybe you shouldn't be getting married.

that's actually really cute! you're life doesn't suck!

helpmeiamblind 0

FYL you're dating a loser. Kinda your own fault... for dating such a loser.

HLJW1989 0

It's not like it was an e-mail or something. He probably thought it was cute, even though it was over the Internet. I don't understand why people get all worked up about how somebody proposes--someone is insanely in love with you and wants to spend the rest of his life with you, isn't that enough?