By A.W - 24/06/2012 13:57 - United States

Today, I received an acceptance letter to Juilliard. After showing it to my mom, she tells me I can't attend because Robin Williams graduated from Juilliard, and he now has too much facial hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 041
You deserved it 2 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chloe2114 4

Wow...Just wow. Go anyway :)

Your mother is retarded. Go anyways. And congrats!


Maybe the real reason is your family can't afford it.. Then again my mom wouldn't let me go to high school because there wouldn't be anyone around the house to water her plants, so maybe she's just crazy...

So she didn't let you go to high school at all?

I think she might be joking. I bet your mom is just ******* around with you and she'll surprise you a bit later. Robin Williams has always been hairy. Maybe she's one for the clean-cut?

Actually he wasn't. Ever see any old episodes of Mork & Mindy? He was clean-shaven.

Robin Williams admitted that he's always been very hair and realized just how bad it was, when he had to shave most of his body to play in the movie "Hook".(:

I was mainly referencing his arms. I've seen his face clean shaven but his arms are a different story.

dbt88 15

He is one hairy dude. Ever see 'The Fisher King?' He was like Sasquatch dancing around in the park!

anoellem 1

Congratulations on the acceptance. Please don't let your mother's fear of facial hair stop you from furthering your education. (And maybe she's just kidding. Hopefully.)

momma knows best.... but in your situation don't listen to her

Im so jealous right now but congrats!