By Mack - 31/08/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, I rented a drill to a straight-up valley girl, with the speech affect, Von Dutch patrol cap and all. I tried to disabuse of her of the idea that aluminum is a form of steel. Apparently, that constitutes being a smartass, so she threw her change at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 610
You deserved it 8 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I enjoy how, in your haste to make yourself sound intellectually superior to the Valley girl, you totally screwed up what you were trying to say. And, seriously, if getting change thrown at you after completely insulting and likely belittling/mocking a customer to her face is traumatic enough for you to say FML, then you are surely living a charmed life. YDI for SURE!

IOwnedYou 0

Didn`t follow a word he said, can someone explain?


wow... perhaps you should add another post tomorrow about how you tried to be funny and post on FML, but instead you sounded like a total a-hole!!!

So? Be glad she didn't throw the drill at you. And you are a smartass.

mam2u 0

FYL op for trying to make yourself sound so much smarter than I'm sure you are. Oh no!! Change was thrown at you? Unless a dime was lodged in your eye socket STFU. Anyone who writes like they're in the finals for SAT vocabulary needs deserves a lot more than 35 cents thrown in their face.

being from the valley were the whole valley girl thing started i have to say it is hard not to talk that sometimes, i have since moved from the valley and still get made fun for saying like in every sentence be compassionate YDI.

Your FML is so condescneding and I could see how she would feel as if you were being a smart ass. I bet you're one of those people who try to make everyone feel inferior to you. You were full of prejudice for her even before you spoke to her. It is possible that her appearance altered the way would would have spoken to... lets say a huge burly man in a plaid shirt. Next time try to seem more friendly and not like an asshole who needs to put others down to make himself feel better.

Way to jump to conclusions. He was just correcting a simple fact for her. I think she might be the one full of prejudice for valley girls if something as simple as that set her off.

Trollkiller 0

the guy who wrote this fml is ahole. I had to read it again n again just to get the reason y the prick is defining alot abt the village girl (or wateva gal).if I were her and some dumb blonde was telling me aluminium is not a type of dudi I would throw my shoes on him ,not change...

generalsmith2 0

look at the way this is written, she probably threw the change at him because he was an egotistical douchebag asshole, judging her, and bein a dick. also. who the **** cares if he had change thrown at him? really?

mike2012 0

i dont get this fml.... i tried wording it better but still dont understand. who the **** is von ductch??? if someone re-words this for me i will be their best friend :)

Hello # 58. (Sorry for the repost Website Moderators, please don't moderate me). I will re-word the FML for you: Today, I rented a drill to a straight-up valley girl, with the speech affect, Von Dutch patrol cap and all. I tried to disabuse of her of the idea that aluminum is a form of steel. Apparently, that constitutes being a smartass, so she threw her change at me. FML --- "Today, I rented a drill to a valley girl (a rude term for an upper-class girl, normally stereotyped as a person who talks all girly and says LIKE OMIGOD after every sentence, like, omigod). And Von Dutch is a store where these 'valley girls' shop. I tried to convince her that aluminum is not a form of steel. Apparently, she thought I was being a smartass, so she threw her change at me. FML." I hope I helped =) See, OP, how hard would it have been to word it like THAT (minus my explanations)?

ycfan_98 0

haha, best thing ever, Tarynkd

Wow OP, way to classify people. YDI for saying 'valley girl' LIKE OMG. And I know you were trying to make your FML sound all 'smart' or whatever to prove that you really ARE smarter than the 'valley girl,' but in doing that, your wording made no sense, and you sounded like an asshole. So congratulations.