By emogurl - 22/07/2009 05:47 - United States

Today, I returned from a month-long stay in a psych ward for severe depression and suicide attempts. The first words my friends say to me when I call them and let them know I'm out? "Does this mean you're not gonna be so emo? 'cause that was really annoying." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 913
You deserved it 28 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You mean "ex-friends", right? Tell them it's their fault you were in there. Bastards.

I am so sorry and I hope that now you are ok and on the road back to recovery. It annoys the hell out of me that when anybody shows any kind of emoiton they are considered emo, it's as if showing any sign of sadness, depression or any other emotion like that is wrong, its not it is an emotion and if not shown it can lead to dangerous circumstances and situations The next person who say "OMG I was so emo I cried today" I am going to SCREAM !!!


Wow, the internet. People feel like they can say all the mean things they want because you're faceless here. Does not being sad about anything in your life make you a better person than the next? I feel sorry for those of you who call this person names for *being depressed*, of all things. You pitiful fools act like she did something to you. So what if she was sad? Get over it. You jerks are just whimpering cowards hiding behind a computer screen. OP: Get new friends, pronto.

hah you even failed at commiting suicide. if you are going to kill yourself do it right. cutting isn't the right way it's just a cry for attention

then dont be so ******* emo you pussy, nobody likes an emo fag. YDI you little bitch harden the **** up

quit being a pussy...harden the **** up.

WOW #112, you asshole. Time for some better friends.

xvertigox 0

"for severe depression and suicide attempts." YDI. Emo kid. GTFO. What #115, #112 said.

You have no idea what depression is like, do you?

To #118 HEYy asshole SHUT THE **** up . u ppl are so stupid honestly. Shes not emo just because she attempted suicide. U fucktard. dont comment if ur fuckig small brain doesnt contain general info everyoen knows. **** face

just kill yourself, emo kids are annoying anyway. :)

True to your name, Cocky. You are an annoying ****.

redblueviolet 0

That sounds like something some old friends of mine would have said. About nine months ago I was going through a tough time (I don't know if I was depressed or not; I wouldn't even open up in therapy and eventually was taken out after it didn't work) and I didn't talk to anybody, and my now ex-friends acted concerned, which apparently included, rather than support, asking me if I was bipolar because I was acting weird, and not letting it go when I said no. My parents noticed something was up and when I finally told them, I was told to get over it. One also ex-friend completely blew me off for his older-and-therefore-cooler friends and girlfriend. Three months into this mess I started talking to one of my friends - the only friend who actually listened to me and supported me - and he made an unbelievable difference. If it weren't for him I would still be miserable, and for all I know, even dead. So for all of you assholes saying you don't need support from anyone to stop being miserable, **** you. We're all here and we might as well support each other when we're going through tough times, instead of being heartless and watching the rest of the world die while you prosper. My novel aside XD, OP - I don't know you. I don't know whether you're really depressed or not (the whole you've-been-in-a-psych-ward says to me that you are, but the fact that your name is "emogurl" says the opposite). So all I'm going to say is to try and find the root of your misery, and either get it out of your life, or try to improve it somehow. Do you have at least ONE friend who is supportive of you? If not, find one. And I wouldn't even talk to these so-called friends anymore. Good luck.

xSceneSceneBabyx 0

in the most kind way of putting this, what bitches! you deserve better friends than that! ...did you hit them in the face? cuz that wouldve been cool!