By Tom - 26/06/2009 00:56 - United States

Today, I rushed home to tell my parents my girlfriend had accepted my proposal. They asked how I could be so selfish at a time like this. Apparently, Michael Jackson's death is more important than their son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 870
You deserved it 6 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, MJ's death was big news but family comes first.

Congrats! Soon you'll have a new family anyway.


anniemeece 23

Am I the only one who kinda thought this was fake? But anyway, FYL, man. Regardless of who dies, your parents should be happy for you and your fiance. Congratulations, I hope you live many years together in happiness. =)

While your life is f*cked, May I be one to say R.I.P. MJ we will miss you OP: its too bad that your family likes MJ more than you. I really hope you don't judge them for that. maybe they got carried away?

Either your family really has a reason to hate you or your parents are huge douchebags. I am leaning towards it being your parents fault. If my parents reacted to my proposal that way because a celebrity had just died I would punch both of them in the face

YDI for proposing to your girlfriend. If women think they're so great, then they should be the ones doing the proposing, not men.

Id say back "Why are you so selfish, Thousands of people died today and you only care about one of them!"

Yatta_fml 0

I'm not a Michael Jackson fan, I don't even like him, but I can see where your parents are coming from if they were a big fan of his. His death was unexpected, and he was someone that really changed the music industry. The only singer that comes close to him is Elvis. Your parents obviously didn't know him personally, but people don't have to know someone to feel a connection to them on some level. Just look at all the screaming people at concerts with the "I love you" signs. The most recent person before him that caused such a stir around the world that I can think of is Princess Diana (Heath Ledger aside; he had some good movies but wasn't on the same level as these two). Yesterday was your parents day to "mourn", they were caught up in the whole "we've lost someone great today" mood hanging over people and didn't want it disturbed with good news, it didn't fit in with the day. Congratulations on the proposal, but you did pick a kind of broody day to do it on. I'm imagine your parents will be happy about it later... it was wrong of them to say that to you, even if it was what they were thinking.

Even if you don't like Michael Jacksons singing you can't deny that he had the most bitchin moves this worlds ever seen. plus he is innocent. definitely not a molester. so shut the **** up all you hater bitches.