By Anonymous - 09/09/2010 20:09 - United States

Today, I saw a pregnant woman fall off her moped. As I helped her back up, I asked if her baby was okay. I was then blindsided by her brick of a purse while she screeched, "I'm not pregnant!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 645
You deserved it 14 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

never assume a woman is pregnant unless its extremely obvious

perdix 29

If you were a plumpa humpa, you could have said, "I'd be happy to get you there, ma'am."


I think this FML is funny because it has both fat women and mopeds. They are both a lot of fun until your friends catch you riding one.

lostinmymind121 0

yea.. not the safest thing to do! lol

JokeMeister 0

You must have made a big deal about it, becaus one wrong statement can be overlooked but when you go ooon and ion about it, it becomes insulting. That is why you should NEVER assume.

Man what a dope. Always assume they're just fat & treat them accordingly. It's safer that way because worst case they're fat.

MrFerret 0

It was meant in a sarcastic way but yea point is women do worse, so why wouldn't they be on a moped? Oh and @KBruce cigarettes are fine it is just implied that what is bad for you is bad for the baby but yea crack is worse in case you didn't kno.

imright24 0

This kind of post pops up all the time. When will people realize that our society is fat - fat, fat, fat? It's not worth the risk commenting on the pregancy of someone you don't know. YDI.

So it wasn't a moped, it was a fat-mobile!

nickwest 0

man if it was me that tried to help the bitch and she hit me I would have put her fat ass back on the damn ground. ungrateful bitch. What's wrong with Americans today we got no ******* manners. The fat ass should have said thank you for your help oh I'm really ******* fat not prego fhl not yours.