By Anonymous - 09/09/2010 20:09 - United States

Today, I saw a pregnant woman fall off her moped. As I helped her back up, I asked if her baby was okay. I was then blindsided by her brick of a purse while she screeched, "I'm not pregnant!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 645
You deserved it 14 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

never assume a woman is pregnant unless its extremely obvious

perdix 29

If you were a plumpa humpa, you could have said, "I'd be happy to get you there, ma'am."


kagexp 4

“Hey, when’s that baby due?!” “What baby?” “OOOooo…At the zoo…the pandas….I knew they were trying to have one. I just thought we’d talk about them…talk about the fluffy zoo animals. I hear they’ve got ‘em over there. You can go look at ‘em if you want, and touch ‘em.” FYL. : D

kronus9388 0

yes indeed ur life does suck and fat or pregnant ppl shouldn't ride mopeds.

sepdps 0

wait, how would she know if the baby was ok?? yeah....

Throw her bitch ass back on the floor. You were just being nice, it's not your fault she looks pregnant.

atomicbaboon 0

Even if she was pregnant what response did you expect? "Hold on, let me ask it."