By Anonymous - 09/09/2010 20:09 - United States

Today, I saw a pregnant woman fall off her moped. As I helped her back up, I asked if her baby was okay. I was then blindsided by her brick of a purse while she screeched, "I'm not pregnant!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 645
You deserved it 14 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

never assume a woman is pregnant unless its extremely obvious

perdix 29

If you were a plumpa humpa, you could have said, "I'd be happy to get you there, ma'am."


MrFerret 0

Well then shut up about your friend and her cigarrettes unless she is like smokin with her uterus, that I wanna see.

somynamesjanae 0

OP, you should of said "yeah not anymore!" lol

haha that's happen to mee! I feel you !

Wow. Someone has a stick up their ass. Go get some lube and take it out. And P.S. people think that smoking cigarettes while pregnant equals the baby being way underweight, having major health problems and having horrible nicotine withdrawls so TONS of people look down upon it. No need to get your panties in a bunch

never say someone is prego unless he tells you

MrFerret 0

Yea u said some ppl "think". Ur friends baby was fine no need to post stupid shit, no one cares. PS I love sticks there so wat b****

Your fault for treating her like her only value is as an incubator. Should have asked her if *she* was okay, because she is a person.