By Anonymous - 08/02/2011 18:32 - United States

Today, I saw an attractive, thin woman eating a salad. Trying to be smooth, I approached her and told her that she didn't need to eat so scarcely, because she was beautiful. She promptly gave me a dirty look and informed me that she was a vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 678
You deserved it 50 552

Same thing different taste


Aw, ignore that bitch, OP. If she couldn't see that your only intention was to compliment her, she's not worth your time or concern.

daaahahaha 4

Hahaha i dunno why you got so many 'you deserve it's ! iiiiiii think you were smooth :) and even if i was a vegetarian id be flattered! She sounds like a stupid uptight stuck up beeeetch that doesnt know how to take a compliment! Probably cause she spends her life only eating rabbit food pahahaha... but still even vegetarians eat other stuff than just salads .. she sounds stupid

Oh, because accusing someone of having an eating disorder on the basis of their having a salad for a meal is *SUCH* a nice compliment. Lickin' windows like yeahhh. Herpin' mah durpz like yeahhh.

ideasrule 13

When did anyone accuse her of an eating disorder? Saying that she doesn't need to "eat so scarcely" is not the same as saying she has an eating disorder.

nickflackafury 0

well in your defense she seems kind of snobby. it, after all, was a compliment. girls don't know how to react to nice things.

stewpididiot 11

WTF ?? where do my comments go ?? I said..." you should have slapped her upside the head with a Bacon Double Cheeseburger and yelled " Bitch !! My food ***** on your food !!! "

LOL that's what you get for "trying to be smooth" just to have sex with her. YDI! I laugh when boys like you write FMLs like these xd it makes my day.

Haha vegetarians are screwed up in the head anyway xd.

abasio 1

Not exactly the smoothest move ever. Still it was an extremely bitchy response from the woman. If people compliment you when you don't really want them to, just take it cordially and try to shake them off. Don't be such an uber bitch!

ulicksam 0

YDI for making comments about a stranger's eating habits instead of minding your own business. Who the hell does that? Besides you.

darksidehascooki_fml 0