By Anonymous - 08/02/2011 18:32 - United States

Today, I saw an attractive, thin woman eating a salad. Trying to be smooth, I approached her and told her that she didn't need to eat so scarcely, because she was beautiful. She promptly gave me a dirty look and informed me that she was a vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 678
You deserved it 50 552

Same thing different taste


Quite frankly, I find that that line is very played-out and somewhat cliché. Originality would've worked better at winning her interest, OP. :)

vivoloko 0

you should kill yourself for being such an idiot

-1 point for you for having the worst pickup line ever. -1 point for her for being a b****.

should've been like "it was a compliment you stupid hippie b****"

Professor59 2

Classic mistake. To get away with speaking to an attractive woman, you totally forgot to be attractive and tall.

vegetarian is a deal breaker for me. I don't date stupid people

RefugeForChris 0

Typical woman. It had nothing to do with her being a vegetarian, just that girls take offense to anything weight-related:p