By rozziepop - 30/03/2012 05:37 - United States - Visalia

Today, I saw my 22-year-old boyfriend blow his nose into his hand, then wipe his snot on our couch. There was a box of tissues directly in front of him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 464
You deserved it 3 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bengermin 5

But... Tissues are for something else..

Correct. Because people can't possibly be expected to communicate with each other over something like this. Dumping him is the ONLY option.


But you can't expect the poor guy to fetch the tissues, can you? I mean come on! They're like what, 3 feet away? Reaching forward like that could strain his back OR his neck, and the couch is right there for the wiping! What kind of insensitive girlfriend are you anyway? Do you WANT him to strain his neck? Some people just have no respect.

He was trying to be green and save a tree. In this case however he probably just added green to your couch. Buy him a handkerchief for next time.

That's grounds for dumping and kicking him out. Eeeew!

theWINDOWmonster 3

My mind automatically read "Today, I saw my 22-year-old boyfriend blow his brains out" before I got to "nose". I blame video games.

that definitely would be fml worthy, fortunately we don't have to read morbid shit like that on here. i come here for the giggles, not to feel sad.

TheEpicMilkMan 13

you might want to lay off the video games if you instantly read that....

theWINDOWmonster 3

I simply cannot do that. They're too much fun.

hateevryone 14

That's nasty as hell. I wouldn't have him over anymore.

leogirl95 12

Immaturity often comes in nasty forms.

That would make for a very awkward conversation.

astralvagan 20

Is it really? I just checked and I'm definitely male. Yet, I find this disgusting.

nope, I am pretty sure it is a laziness thing.

wlddog 14

It's not a "guy" thing. It's more of a "nasty" or "toddler" thing.

No it's snot. Hey, where did that extra s come from? :)