By rozziepop - 30/03/2012 05:37 - United States - Visalia

Today, I saw my 22-year-old boyfriend blow his nose into his hand, then wipe his snot on our couch. There was a box of tissues directly in front of him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 464
You deserved it 3 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bengermin 5

But... Tissues are for something else..

Correct. Because people can't possibly be expected to communicate with each other over something like this. Dumping him is the ONLY option.


FakeDoor 3

Sorry OP, your boyfriend clearly thinks the tissues are for some other purpose.

why would u be with someone who thinks so little of basic human hygiene ?:S


that is some sick shit, well it could have been worse...

My boyfriend likes to blow his snot in a tissue then chase me around the house with it so he can get a laugh cause he knows it grosses me out.

You all missed the one important thing,She's going out with a Central Valley redneck ! You Californians know what I'm talking about .

RiverismyWild 0

My boyfriend is 22 and does the exact same thing -_-

goddamniluvme 0

This is the guy u picked and to willing risk being impregnated and spawning the offspring of a germ spreading 6 yr old in a full grown mans body?! That's jus NASTY! Talk about a turn off. That would seriously make me break up with a girl or at least strongly consider it.

*were a box of tissues, not was. What a dumbass.

I don't think I've EVER read anything more brutally disgusting!!!! Tell him to grow the **** up & quit being such a gross little pig!!!!