By Anonymous - 06/09/2013 11:55 - United States - Louisville

Today, I saw my dad pick his teeth with a toothpick from a new box. He ate the food he got out of his teeth and put the toothpick back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 610
You deserved it 2 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. :D But seriously, that's disgusting.


Oh God my mother does that... She uses the plastic ones more than once... Keeps them in the bag.

Throw the box out, replace them he will never know!

DFresh503 8

Those just became his own personal stash haha. Time to get your own. But it kinda makes me wonder what else OP's pops may be using and putting back...

Highroller42 2

The great Douglas Adams once postulated that instructions on a box of toothpicks were a sign of the end of civilization, but I don't think he even considered our current state of downfall where ops dad is actually in need of those instructions. I'm depressed.

sengmeng 4


RedPillSucks 31

What? It's the best place to live? The smartest people live there? Kentucky air makes you seem prettier? Come on. What do they say?

Never use a toothpick again from a fresh box...I would rather be safe than using one that just might have been used...

Thats sooooooo gross. I would never use one of those toothpicks again lol

Never ever use a toothpick from that box...noted. Smh

Think of all the toothpicks you've used and all the toothpicks your father put back in the box... A lot