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By j0hn - 23/02/2009 02:35 - United States

Today, I saw my mom sneaking meat into her spaghetti sauce. She told me she sneaks meat into most of the food she cooks. I've been a vegetarian for 8 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 018
You deserved it 17 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

curious_missy 1

or at least you thought you were a vegetarian...I mean you gotta admit your mom's food has been pretty great throughout these 8 years! lol

I'm no vegetarian, probably never will be, but I do respect everybody who is one. If they do not eat meat, that's their choice. More meat for me. They'll have to accept that I do eat meat. Maybe even right next to them. It sucks your mom is being so cruel to you. The least she could do is tell you so you can choose to eat it or make your own dinner.


okay, i agree with number 3, despise and hope number 4 gets smited somehow, and also agree with number 5, i'd been vegan for about 15 months and recently switched to vegetarian a few months ago, but nowadays they've got artifical vegan/vegatarian meat, trick em and rub it in their face. i did it to my best friend who thought i was retarded for going veg until he admitted that the place we went to was the best "orange chicken" he'd ever had... it was vegan :P

jasweetie1 7

#43, You said exactly what I was thinking!!! Being vegetarian doesn't change anything in the world. I'm not against you being vegetarian if it makes YOU feel better, but it's not making the world a 'better place', if that's what you're aiming for. I say, if you're vegetarian and won't eat meat, more for me :)

That's really an awful thing for your mom to do. It's a personal choice, and by her doing it anyway without informing you is incredibly disrespectful. I'd be making my own food from now on if I was you.

The vegs are so outraged! I love it! PS. It's called the ****** food chain. We happen to told the top spot. PPS. MOOOOOOO

So? You also happen to be able to kill a baby by shaking it. Doesn't mean you do it, does it? The good thing about this age is that we're, in fact, able to choose what to or what not to eat without dying. We can make the decision to stop eating meat and still lead a healthy life. WAY back, people wouldn't have been able to survive unless they eat whatever they have, no matter the taste. On the surface, being a vegetarian is like a non-vegetarian not eating beans because they don't like it. Nothing major. It's just that some people are dumbasses and feel like they should insult someone for making a decision they didn't make.

no, you haven't been a vegetarian for 8 years :]

woah that sucks, i would deff. sneak some things into her food (: maybe some laxatives, dog food, ground up condoms? lmao. and btw, being vegetarian is very healthy, why do u think when we stop eating meat we can't straight up eat it again? we can do that with carrots, and everything else, why not meat? maybe because the human body is actually not meant to eat meat, and we have herbivore teeth, "but i have canine teeth!" umm no, those teeth could never b used 2 rip apart flesh retard. which is why animals eat other animals , they r capable, we are not. unless we use man made machines which is not part of the food chain. also, vegetarians get a lot of protein u ******* idiots, tofu, beans, and a lot more have protein, why do u think were still alive fucktard, hmm i wonder why americans r so god damn fat. maybe its bcuz we have a lot of disgustingly unhealthy meat in all over our food. a lot of these people r complete jackasses. really, im not human cuz i dont eat meat? that makes no sense, thats like saying some1 is not human cuz ther african american, i can eat and not eat whatever the hell i want, i bet u dont eat certain things bcuz u dont like it. well maybe i dont eat meat bcuz it doesnt taste good? cuz it sure doesnt.

Oh my god, this is ridiculous. Whether you eat meat or not does not have ANYTHING to do with your weight or your health. Sure, some vegetarians don't consume enough iron because the main source, which is meat, is missing, but that happens to loads of non-vegetarians, too. And, as far as I'm concerned, eating meat does not make you fat. It's all the ice-cream, chips and all that crap, not a steak or whatever per day. And yes, those teeth we have are, in fact, canines. Look it up, ask a professor. Everyone will tell you that.

kimmaye 0

...then i guess you havent REALLY been a veg...right?