By j0hn - 23/02/2009 02:35 - United States

Today, I saw my mom sneaking meat into her spaghetti sauce. She told me she sneaks meat into most of the food she cooks. I've been a vegetarian for 8 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 011
You deserved it 17 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

curious_missy 1

or at least you thought you were a vegetarian...I mean you gotta admit your mom's food has been pretty great throughout these 8 years! lol

I'm no vegetarian, probably never will be, but I do respect everybody who is one. If they do not eat meat, that's their choice. More meat for me. They'll have to accept that I do eat meat. Maybe even right next to them. It sucks your mom is being so cruel to you. The least she could do is tell you so you can choose to eat it or make your own dinner.


I guess you have been a "vegitarian" for a while then

If you're a vegetarian because it's healthier or whatever, then that sucks I guess. If you're a vegetarian because you believe in animal rights and all that shit, well then YDI, you're an animal too, and an omnivore at that. You're supposed to eat other animals. Go out and tell Lions they shouldn't eat Gazelles, amiright?

No one stops eating meat to be more healthy. Meat -> Iron. Many people don't get enough iron while actually consuming meat daily, so, naturally, some vegetarians get even less because they're main source of iron is completely missing. And animal rights are a perfectly good reason to stop eating meat. Ever been to, or seen a movie about, one of those huge animal farms? With thousands of chickens, cows, or pigs CRAMMED into a space that's only supposed to hold hundreds of them? Those animals are hurting. BADLY. But I guess you don't get that, so let me phrase it differently. Imagine living in a dorm room. Barely enough space to fit two beds, two closets and two desks in there. Oh, and you're also not allowed to leave the room to take a dump or pee. And then they assign twenty people to live in there. Yeah, must feel damn nice.

i've been a vegetarian my whole life, and i dont want to try meat because now it just seems icky to me. i get that its natural to eat meat when you can, but even when human were evolving they were mostly vegetarian, and i think that people should be able to choose what they eat.

You are the dumbest thing I have ever met.

ha ha u ate food!!! be happy kids in Africa are starving!!!

good news vegitarians can still eat pussy

oh God .. if that happened to me, I would just leave and never return, even if I had nowhere to go

daneeyoll 0

vegetarians don't exist they're a myth

Apparantly, smart people on FML also don't exist.

I honestly do not understand how anyone can be Vegetarian. I gotta have my steak!

ydi for not noticing that there was meat in it...

thats what you get for choosing the hippy life. GO MEAT! :D