By j0hn - 23/02/2009 02:35 - United States

Today, I saw my mom sneaking meat into her spaghetti sauce. She told me she sneaks meat into most of the food she cooks. I've been a vegetarian for 8 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 011
You deserved it 17 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

curious_missy 1

or at least you thought you were a vegetarian...I mean you gotta admit your mom's food has been pretty great throughout these 8 years! lol

I'm no vegetarian, probably never will be, but I do respect everybody who is one. If they do not eat meat, that's their choice. More meat for me. They'll have to accept that I do eat meat. Maybe even right next to them. It sucks your mom is being so cruel to you. The least she could do is tell you so you can choose to eat it or make your own dinner.


#29....You also can't be healthy on a diet of hamburgers and meat lovers pizza. 'Healthy' is relative and very well within the reach of any well educated person (with enough money to choose what to eat, obviously), vegetarians included.

ummm if you're so vegetarian, wouldn't you notice the difference in the taste. i know people who are vegetarian who know from the smell of it.

"Sneak" some laxatives into her next meal.

Bud_fml 16

Wait, so did your mom know you were a vegetarian or not? Cuz if she did, she's hella messed up. If she didn't, sorry, but you were kinda asking for it then.

Okay, what the is up with you anti-vegetarianism people? Maybe they (pick any vegetarian/vegan person) don't eat meat because they just don't like the taste. Maybe they have cholesterol issues and the food choice is because of health issues. Everyone who has said "good, now go eat some real food", try and learn a little sensitivity--you don't have the right to tell people what they should eat. I've never been vegetarian and I don't really plan to take it up, because I do like the taste of meat and there are ethnic/cultural reasons I will eat animals, but dang. Having a little tolerance won't cause your pubes to burst into flames, you know.

And you haven't recognize that? So you were cheating on yourself - that's what you get for being vegetarian. It's pathetic.

vegetarians may have better sex, but in the end they live a more unhealthier lifestyle. you got to have your protein.

Trusting your mum and then her betraying you is deserved? Cool childhood you must have had.. Anyway the majority of you are retards actually do some research before you talk about how unhealthy it is, dumbasses. Your ignorance astounds me though I'm guessing the majority of you are Americans with really good dietary knowledge *cough*. I don't think it would be a far stretch to assume that half the "LOL VEGO IDIOT EAT A BURGER DUMBASS" comments are coming from the same people who post "Today, my mum jiggled my cankles and my jowls. I'm very fat. FML". I'm not sure how I'd respond to something like this but I guarantee it would be unpleasant to say the least for whoever did it.

Sai, you're amazing. I'm making you a curry :)

When my mom makes things with meat (for her and my younger sister), she puts notes saying "meat" because my dad is a vegan and my older sister and I are vegetarians. My mother would never do anything like what the OP's did, I feel sorry for you. And people saying "you should have been able to tell," it's hard to tell sometimes because when you THINK there's no meat, and your own mom lies to you that there isn't, you trust her, then you get used to the taste, so you wouldn't notice. People saying vegetarians aren't healthy are stupid. My dad has been a vegan for over 30 years, and he's really healthy. My little sister's P.E. teacher that always says stuff like, "Ohh I just want a Big Mac right now!" told her class not to be a vegetarian and that they're stupid and shit. He told my sister that my dad needs to get medical help :S. I hope he dies of a heart attack from all the McDonalds he's had one day.