By j0hn - 23/02/2009 02:35 - United States

Today, I saw my mom sneaking meat into her spaghetti sauce. She told me she sneaks meat into most of the food she cooks. I've been a vegetarian for 8 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 011
You deserved it 17 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

curious_missy 1

or at least you thought you were a vegetarian...I mean you gotta admit your mom's food has been pretty great throughout these 8 years! lol

I'm no vegetarian, probably never will be, but I do respect everybody who is one. If they do not eat meat, that's their choice. More meat for me. They'll have to accept that I do eat meat. Maybe even right next to them. It sucks your mom is being so cruel to you. The least she could do is tell you so you can choose to eat it or make your own dinner.


Good! Deadpool would do the same thing. Get some meat down ya! You know you want it!!!

that's just rude. she is a very bad hostess if she thinks that kind of behavior is acceptable. I'm a total meat eater myself but... I believe that proper manners dictates you accommodate everyone you invite to your table... inviting someone to eat and then pulling that crap is horrible. someday it'll bite her in the ass too. someday she'll probably invite someone over and say "oh well I think he should eat nuts anyway!" and slip them into the food... only to find out his "dislike" of nuts was actually an allergy. don't **** with people's food :(

sooo disrespectful. you should cook for yourself though.

_singer_ 0

I am totally a closeted vegetarian...I cook everything for myself, even tho I live at home.

Your mom definitely knows what's best for you. Like a lot of the people are saying, vegetarian food can taste good, but the nutritional value when compared to an omnivorous diet just does not compare. There are vitamins and proteins your body needs that are only found in meat. Be happy that she's looking out for your well-being.

jahwn 12

NO, recent studies have proven a good vegetarian diet full of beans, nuts and veggies is full of protean and vitamins, there is more calcium in broccoli than milk.

DanielleCannibal 0

what a ******* ****. luckily, my mom doesn't cook. vegetarianism ftw

DanielleCannibal 0

idiots! meat isn't the only food that has protein. christ what do you think beans and eggs are? also peanuts and other nuts. not to mention the meat substitutes, soybeans, and even cheese. being a vegetarian/vegan is actually way healthier than being an omnivore, with all the fat in meat, especially red meat.

your a vegetarian that makes you essentially non-human you therefore have no right to complain

zook43 0

For those of you who think its entertaining... imagine if someone were slipping bits of human flesh into your spaghetti. Not so entertaining is it? It feels the same to vegetarians.

I wouldn't be disgusted by that at all. At OP, not FYL, F your Mom's life.