By 1suckatL1fe - 04/05/2009 19:04 - United States

Today, I sent everyone a text on my phone book saying, "Happy Star Wars Day!!! May the Fourth be with you!!" I forgot to uncheck my ex-girlfriend's number. She texted back, "One of the many reasons I broke up with you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 772
You deserved it 72 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're better off without her if she can't appreciate that.

I never new there was a star wars day ...


rinneiscool 0

LOL, that is so magnificent. But sorry if she ment alot to you....

mouseintern 0

This is the opposite of an FML. You just realized you're better off without someone who can't appreciate some nerd humor. I know plenty of great girls who love that sorta thing. They're out there.

tiltwrestler 0

IF i was a girl: Not only would I have broken up with you, but I would have bitch-slapped you as well. And thrown you in a garbage can. And rolled you down a hill. And made sure you didn't ever reproduce. But anyways.... umm what were you thinking? Do you WANT to remain an uncool virgin? It's bad enough you even knew there WAS a star wars day. But the moment you found out, if you had said "Ok this is a baddd situation here, gotta contain it, dont tell anybody i know about star wars day", you MIGHT have been OK. (I mean God might still have held it against you, but nobody else would know, most likely). But not only did you know about aforementioned "star wars day", you BROADCAST YOUR INEPTITUDE OVER THE PHONELINES!!!!!!!

ime_fml 0

I agree with #3. I would totally date you

wallythedolly 0

She missed out! I would find it hilarious if a guy texted me saying that.

Shroomsteroo 0
melishusss 0

thats hilarious. i mean about "may the fourth be with you". noice!