By 1suckatL1fe - 04/05/2009 19:04 - United States

Today, I sent everyone a text on my phone book saying, "Happy Star Wars Day!!! May the Fourth be with you!!" I forgot to uncheck my ex-girlfriend's number. She texted back, "One of the many reasons I broke up with you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 772
You deserved it 72 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're better off without her if she can't appreciate that.

I never new there was a star wars day ...


monicamischief 0

@ 72/15 'm not a boy. i'm a girl :/ i fail to see what is wrong with being on FML in college. i am also doing homework; and it is almost seven on a monday evening. what else would i be doing? besides; that comment just insulted yourself; considering you are are FML too, so if there is something wrong with it... you aren't very bright, are you? also; trying to act like a bad ass on the internet is a sign of low self-esteem.

i agree with #3, i thought that was cute :3

redarkx 0

The first time I'd heard of that was today. I almost pissed my pants with excitement. I would probably date you.

Millybug 0

#80-- I know it must be shocking, a female not dating a complete prick for once. Some girls actually like the nice guys, instead of going with the wise asses who think they're cute.

sciencenerd 0

Bah, I'd be happy to date a guy who loved Star Wars. Nerds ftw!

my thoughts.. 1) ...... 2) im sure there's some girl out there who will date you for that. 3) this is why you should always delete all your ex's number.. why the **** you still keep them?? 4) haha i cant believe someone would actually reply his/her comment here.. maybe he/she was the one who wrote this fml.... and he/she is using one of freudian's ego defense mechanism..

I'm not a star wars fan but the line was clever XD

nacarlson 0

#63 and a lot of the rest of you do not seem to understand this. MAY the FOURTH be with is MAY FOURTH. So everyone saying "I didn't know there was a Star Wars day," it's not like an official holiday, it's just because you can make a silly pun using today's date. It's clever, but it clearly went waaaaay over most of your heads. Sad.

Kiebland 0

@15 If you're a guy: Let me guess, you're a forum troll. The closest you've gotten to a girlfriend is glueing yarn to your favorite tube sock to imitate hair. If you're a girl: There's a few stray cats in my neighborhood. I'll drop 'em off at your house if you'd like. They're going to be your only companions later in life.

@ 89 i agree. i suppose as soon as people saw the word star wars they kind of just skipped everything else..