By dis_bee_leaf - 13/02/2012 16:27 - Canada

Today, I sent out a text saying "Smile! You're beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." to most of my contacts. I got one reply, from my best friend, saying, "Are you fucking stupid?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 798
You deserved it 37 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments


iiFrench_Fries 5

Its better than being told to never smile , life anit worth it...

rayna19 2

I would have said, "Oops, sorry. That wasn't meant for you."

cmb8280 24

I don't understand why so many people are saying this is stupid. You might have just given someone's day the little pick me up they so desperately needed. People are too desensitized now a days. **** 'em

I hope nobody actually bases their self-esteem on a text message.

Yeah so most people think those texts are annoying, but I've never gotten one of those, ever. In my opinion it'd be nice to receive a text like that.

Yeah, I'd probably give my best friend just about the same response if she randomly sent out a mass text like that. Except I would ask if she was ******* high, not stupid. Kind of a weird text to randomly send people.

Smile!! Your beautiful and don't let anyone ever tell you anything else.

Geez, you people commenting need to stop being (to be nice) mean. What the hell is wrong with you? She's trying to be nice. If she did do it just to get an FML posted, who cares.

hayat5496 5
jman219 0

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. That is all.