By dis_bee_leaf - 13/02/2012 16:27 - Canada

Today, I sent out a text saying "Smile! You're beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." to most of my contacts. I got one reply, from my best friend, saying, "Are you fucking stupid?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 798
You deserved it 37 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments


dapheronixx03 6

What she said was true , you are beautiful and no one should tell you otherwise but she shouldnt spam

"Don't let others spam you and tell you to smile", ought to be the message. Hate's not like the world's going to be a better place thanks to 1 spam message. YDI!

Get a blackberry and see how 'inspiring' those messages are when you receive 30 a day.

I guess a lot of people are real stupid by wouldn't you want to receive a message like that , seriously if you don't get a message they get mad oh no one wants to text me , and if you do ohhhh they text stupid things like come on be appreciative smH.

I'm happier receiving no texts most of the time than receiving useless spam. Spam is never a good or helpful thing.

livvikay913 1

Hahahahaha that's what I would have said

YTFDI!!! (you totally ****** deserved it)

I understand that your trying to make everyone feel better. But sometimes it doesn't feel so personal when you mass text it.. Maybe that's why she said that.. She prob found out a lot of your friends having the same message