By random person - 13/11/2011 06:16 - United States

Today, I sent the texts "I love and miss you babe;)." and "Shit wrong person." to my ex just so he would think I have a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 517
You deserved it 62 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FreshSalad 1

I'm sorry but that's pretty pathetic.


CocoaRox 0

Nicely played, but agreed, don't look for a life in ur ex, isn't she/he the one who ruined ur life? No offense

just by your one text "I love and miss you babe;).", i can tell you're extremely annoying op.

#145: I logged in just to like your comment :D.

And you know that his thought at getting your texts were, "why the hell does she still have my number?"

You know that anyone with half a thought in their head would know you did that on purpose, right? Obvious text is obvious.

ablounge23 0

Yeah, well you know what the funny thing is? Most people have honestly either thought of doing that, or did it.

Go outside my friend, and not to his house

No one believes that bullshit. All you've done is explained to your ex you're alone and pathetic.

Hahahahahahahaha. Funnn I like this 1. It shows how stupid people's exs can be cuz most actually fall for that. I no mine did.

LesCDeal 6

To add on to what 90% of everyone else has said, just because you aren't currently in a relationship doesn't mean you don't have a life. Don't let your status define you.

That's what I came here to say, and I can't believe it took 154 comments for someone to say it. Being single =/= no life.