By Anonymous - 20/05/2010 11:04 - Canada

Today, I shaved my legs and pits for the first time this summer. It took 3 disposable razors and an hour to get the job done. I've clearly been single for far too long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 871
You deserved it 47 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ydi if you think being in a relationship is the only reason you should keep up with yourself.

Well if you don't have one of those buzz cut razors to work it off with then get scissors out and trim it down. It will take a lot less time with the disposable razor if you do it that way first..and from now on you need to shave more often..because that's just disgusting!


Wow, this is an excellent example of social control. Hair doesn't make a woman unattractive, society does. There's nothing inherent in our genetic makeup that says, "I find hair disgusting" it's just an example of how social and cultural norms have shaped the way we think about beauty. Who cares if OP didn't shave for that long, unless you're her, it's not any of your business. Shaving every day, or every other day, doesn't make you morally superior, it just shows how you adhere to cultural standards of beauty. Congratulations, you're the system's bitch. Now go buy some high heels that do horrible damage to your feet because society tells you they're pretty and feminine.

anabby62907 0

You are partially right. It was none of our business until OP broadcast her untamely jungle pube status on FML. Really, the responses are just social as well.

Sounds like you know what you're talking about! Agreed 100 % And a virgin? Most likely not, intelligence is super sexy.

voveraite 7

Common sense on FML? Could this really be? Taking my virtual hat in front of you, #43!

Ultimate_Cynic 0

43 sounds like a teenager who's been listening to too much Rage Against the Machine. Sounds like "the system" controls your life a little too much, maaan.

You, sir, are quite respectable. Leg hair is a natural personal preference. And, 43, the amount of maturity and acceptance that this guy shows almost guarantees he's probably gotten laid much more than you and your ignoramus ass.

I used to have a teacher that didn't shave or wear deodorant and she was married. D: But being single does not mean you don't have to look after yourself.

....well i dont think you used 3 razors but w/e u should shave more ofen then once every 10months its goss not too...or at least trim like thats just gross lettin it get outta cntrole is discustin

skyeyez9 24

My neighbor doesn't shave her legs or pits either. She is married too.