By Anonymous - 20/05/2010 11:04 - Canada

Today, I shaved my legs and pits for the first time this summer. It took 3 disposable razors and an hour to get the job done. I've clearly been single for far too long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 871
You deserved it 47 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ydi if you think being in a relationship is the only reason you should keep up with yourself.

Well if you don't have one of those buzz cut razors to work it off with then get scissors out and trim it down. It will take a lot less time with the disposable razor if you do it that way first..and from now on you need to shave more often..because that's just disgusting!


it's called normal hygienic!!! You don't have to be in a relationship when cleaning yourself. EW!!!! How could you live like that?!

mr_miyagi 0

you are an ugly gorilla just because youre single doesnt mean stop taking care of yourself thats probably why youve been single for so long...bitch

rcloca 10

Uncalled for, you can be clean and not shave :/

varkey 7

how is that even possible? i don't think it would take a whole razor just to shave your body, even if you were an extremely hairy guy (unless you have one of those genetic disorders). To take 3 to shave just your legs and underarms is ridiculous.

thechief50 0
wolfman860 0

ok two that is absoulutly discusting and you definatly wouldnt have left your legs unshaved if it was summer and you were wearing shorts...and it also isnt summer in canada in may you idiot

idiotic spelling to go with your idiotic reasoning...sigh..we should try thinking for ourselves for a moment and stop following others.

Ok two things... one, there's nothing disgusting about not shaving in the winter. No one even sees her legs and armpits. Although, the OP needing 3 razors is kind of excessive. I don't even know if that's possible. And it may technically not be summer here, but we are having summer temperature and weather. Unless you don't consider 30C (86F) temperatures and sunny, cloudless skies, which we in Edmonton have experienced for the last couple weeks, summer weather. So yes, the OP shaving for "summer" is not incredulous, you idiot.

It may not be summer for a bit but it sure as hell feels like summer so you don't need to be all technical

ninaamarieexo 0

that is absolutely disgusting. when does personal hygene , or however you spell it, have too do with not being in a relationship. that's just repulsive.

I kind of have to say ick. I think it's gross when girls don't shave and then show the area. You don't even have to shave everything, if it's not all showing. If you're only wearing capris, you only need to shave the lower half of your calf. And if it's winter, don't even bother. But if you're going to wear a tanktop or shorts, shave your underarms and legs, please. It's not unhygienic, just gross.

I think that's what the OP was doing... No where does she say that she was showing off her unshaven pits and legs. I assumed that she was shaving, because it's shorts and tanktop season.

Yeah, that's fine. I just kind of wanted to join in on the big controversy here. c:

tucansam555 3

doesn't matter if your single or not you still shave..